Friday, May 16, 2008

Impressions of the Impressed

My husband tells me that I should post blogs. I don't always have the time so we shall see how this works. I would like to think of myself as a free thinker. Since I've been to college, my views have been broadened and I like to hear all sides to issues. People of the LDS faith (especially if they are hard-core Republicans) may be surprised about how liberal some of my viewpoints are. Don't worry, I still lean towards the conservative side, but I feel that people, and LDS people at that, need to realize that things aren't always black and white. Discussion and argumentation on controversial issues help us lead to better solutions to problems. As an idealistic student, I have this romantic idea to pull people away from self interest and foster public awareness. If you don't understand what I mean, look for my blog posts, read, and--this is my hope--you will be enlightened even if you disagree with what I think. I love when people think for themselves especially if they have a humble intellect.

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